This is a conceptual design for a Japanese anime mech show, "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn." The vinyl album contains the main jacket, gatefold, vinyl sleeves, and discs. The idea of this was to create an alternative design for an existing album, where this concept design contains color.
The main color palette used were red and white to signify the Unicorn Gundam's iconic color. Although the first form is all white at first, the transformed version of the Gundam reveals its red color. The Unicorn Gundam is the main mobile suit that plays an important role throughout the story.
The design style of the Gundam is vectorized, to replicate the drawing like a blueprint. The front cover is shown half of the Unicorn Gundam's normal version while the back cover reveals the transformed version. The vinyl sleeves are a combination of red and white, containing the logos of the organization involved in the creation of the mobile suit. The gatefold shows a whole imagery of the transformed Gundam flying through space in a beam of red light. The vinyl discs are colored in either white or red to maintain the theme continuity while the sleeves contain the Unicorn Gundam and the pilot of the Gundam.
Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, PaintTool SAI 2, Adobe Illustrator